What Do Medical Malpractice Lawyers Do

Medical malpractice lawyers specialize in handling cases where patients have suffered harm due to the negligence or substandard care provided by healthcare professionals. These legal experts are crucial in helping victims seek justice and compensation for their injuries.

Here’s a detailed look at the role and functions of medical malpractice lawyers, especially in the context of Montana.

Investigating Medical Malpractice Claims

Medical malpractice lawyers begin by thoroughly investigating the claims. This involves:

  1. Gathering Medical Records: Collecting all relevant medical documentation to understand the standard of care provided.
  2. Consulting Medical Experts: Collaborating with medical professionals who can offer expert opinions on whether the standard of care was breached.
  3. Interviewing Witnesses: Speaking with witnesses, including healthcare staff and other relevant parties, to gather detailed accounts of the incident.

Once the investigation is complete, the lawyer’s next step is to build a strong case. This includes:

Identifying Malpractice: Clearly establishing how the healthcare provider’s actions deviated from accepted medical standards.

Demonstrating Harm: Showing the direct link between the provider’s negligence and the harm suffered by the patient.

Calculating Damages: Accurately assessing the full extent of damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future care needs.

Navigating the Legal Process

Medical malpractice cases are complex and require navigating intricate legal and medical details. Experienced lawyers handle:

Filing Legal Documents: Preparing and filing all necessary legal documents within Montana’s statutes of limitations.

Negotiating Settlements: Engaging in settlement negotiations with the defendant’s legal team and insurance companies to secure fair compensation.

Court or Panel Representation: If a settlement cannot be reached, representing the client in Court or Montana Medical Legal Panel, presenting evidence, and making compelling arguments to the jury.

Benefits of Hiring a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Hiring a medical malpractice lawyer offers a multitude of significant benefits that are crucial for anyone seeking justice and compensation for injuries caused by medical negligence.

These lawyers bring a deep understanding of both legal and medical terminologies and processes, which is essential in navigating the complex landscape of medical malpractice cases.

Their expertise ensures that every aspect of the case, from gathering detailed medical records to consulting with reputable medical experts, is meticulously handled.

This thorough approach is vital for proving negligence and establishing the extent of harm suffered by the victim.

One of the key advantages of hiring a medical malpractice lawyer is their access to a network of medical professionals who can provide expert testimony.

These experts can critically assess whether the standard of care was breached and how this breach directly caused the patient’s injuries. This professional validation is often pivotal in building a strong case, especially in court settings where detailed medical explanations are necessary.

Moreover, medical malpractice lawyers offer objective case evaluations, which help clients make informed decisions without being clouded by emotional distress. This objectivity is particularly beneficial when determining the best course of action, whether it be negotiating a settlement or proceeding to trial.

Skilled negotiators, these lawyers work diligently to maximize the compensation awarded, covering not just immediate medical expenses but also long-term care costs, lost wages, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

Medical Malpractice Laws in Montana

Montana has specific laws and standards regarding medical malpractice. Lawyers at Holloway & Hulling are well-versed in these regulations and offer specialized legal representation in Missoula and across the state. They focus on:

  • Surgical Errors: Handling cases involving mistakes made during surgery.
  • Misdiagnoses: Addressing situations where incorrect or delayed diagnoses resulted in harm.
  • Medication Errors: Representing victims of incorrect medication administration or prescription mistakes.

Types of Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice can take many forms. Here are some of the most common types of cases handled by lawyers:

Surgical Errors: Mistakes made during surgery can have severe consequences. These errors can include operating on the wrong body part, leaving surgical instruments inside the body, or performing the wrong procedure. Medical malpractice lawyers investigate these errors and work to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnoses: When a healthcare provider fails to diagnose a condition correctly or delays a diagnosis, the patient can suffer significant harm. This can lead to the progression of a disease that could have been treated more effectively if caught earlier. Lawyers in these cases gather medical records and expert testimony to prove negligence.

Medication Mistakes: Errors in prescribing or administering medication can result in severe injuries or even death. These mistakes can occur due to incorrect dosages, prescribing the wrong medication, or failing to consider potential drug interactions. Medical malpractice lawyers work to demonstrate how these errors occurred and the impact on the patient.

Birth Injuries: Negligence during childbirth can lead to lifelong disabilities for the child or serious health issues for the mother. Cases involving birth injuries often require detailed medical knowledge and expert testimony to prove that the healthcare provider failed to meet the standard of care.

Anesthesia Errors: Mistakes related to anesthesia can cause severe injury or death. These errors can include administering too much or too little anesthesia, failing to monitor the patient’s vital signs, or not considering the patient’s medical history. Medical malpractice lawyers work to show how these errors occurred and the resulting harm.

Compensation in Medical Malpractice Cases

Compensation in a medical malpractice case is intended to cover the various losses suffered by the victim. This can include:

Medical Expenses: This covers the cost of medical care related to the injury, including hospital bills, surgeries, and rehabilitation.

Lost Wages: If the victim is unable to work due to their injuries, they may be entitled to compensation for lost wages.

Pain and Suffering: This compensates the victim for the physical and emotional pain caused by the malpractice.

Future Care Costs: In cases where the victim requires ongoing medical care, compensation may include the cost of future treatment.

Punitive Damages: In some cases, the court may award punitive damages to punish the healthcare provider for particularly egregious conduct.

Choosing the Right Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Montana

Selecting the right medical malpractice lawyer in Montana is critical for a successful outcome in your case. It’s essential to look for an attorney with extensive experience specifically in medical malpractice law, as these cases involve complex medical and legal issues that require specialized knowledge.

An experienced lawyer will be well-versed in the nuances of Montana’s medical malpractice statutes and have a proven track record of handling similar cases successfully.

Reputation is another crucial factor; researching the lawyer’s standing within the legal community and reading reviews from past clients can provide valuable insights into their professionalism and effectiveness.

Personalized attention is also vital; you want a lawyer who will take the time to understand the specifics of your case and provide tailored legal advice. This individualized approach ensures that your unique needs and concerns are addressed throughout the legal process.

Ultimately, the right medical malpractice lawyer combines extensive experience, a solid reputation, access to essential resources, and a commitment to personalized client care.

In Montana, the dedicated team at Holloway & Hulling exemplifies these qualities, offering the expertise and compassionate support necessary to navigate the complexities of medical malpractice cases and secure the best possible outcomes for their clients.


If you or a loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice in Montana, it’s crucial to seek expert legal assistance. The team at Holloway & Hulling is dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive legal support to ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and take the first step towards securing your rights and recovery.

Schedule a Consultation with Holloway & Hulling

Don’t wait—reach out to Holloway & Hulling to discuss your case with experienced medical malpractice attorneys who are committed to fighting for your rights.

Call 406-880-7424 or visit our contact page to book your free consultation now.